The following is typical of the entire Indonesian food, I love every province one example, ok let's see, if there is one-one help in correction ok
1 . ACEH
Mie Aceh is a spicy noodle dish typical of Aceh in Indonesia. Thick yellow noodles with slices of beef , mutton or seafood ( shrimp and squid ) are presented in a kind of soup is savory and spicy curry . Mie Aceh is available in two types , Aceh Mie Goreng ( fried and dried ) and Mie Aceh Kuah ( soup ) . Usually sprinkled with fried onions and served with chips , chunks of red onion , cucumber , and lime . I 've never eaten ya , it feels good , a lot of marinade .
Bika Ambon is a kind of confectionary from Indonesia . Made from ingredients such as eggs , sugar , and coconut milk , bika ambon generally sold with pandan flavor , although it is now also available other flavors such as durian , cheese , and chocolate .Bika Ambon origin is not clearly known . Although the name contains the word " Ambon " , bika ambon exactly known as a typical souvenirs of the city of Medan , North Sumatra . In Medan , Jalan Medan Petisah Mojopahit in the area are selling bika Ambon region 's most famous . There are at least 40 shops selling this cake . bika ambon in ga have to ask again, sweet and tasty
3 . WEST SUMATRA ( Padang )
Rendang ( Minang language : Randang ) is one of the traditional Minangkabau cuisine uses coconut meat and coconut milk as the main ingredient with the content of spices are rich . Dishes with a spicy flavor that is loved by the entire community , and can be found throughout the Rumah Makan Padang in Indonesia, Malaysia , or in other countries . The cuisine is sometimes better known as Rendang Padang , whereas a rendang Minang cuisine in general .In 2011 , rendang dish has been named as the first rank in the list of World 's 50 Most Delicious Foods ( World's 50 most delicious dishes ) held by CNN International .
Catfish curry is a dish that is popular in society Jambi.Gulai Tempoyak is cooked using meat that has been fermented durian fruit . But there are some people who choose to replace Tempoyak with coconut milk to avoid the smell and taste pretty Tempoyak sting . Besides Tempoyak other spices used in the manufacture of Catfish Stew This is a red chillies , galangal , lemongrass , turmeric , onion and garlic
The revenue is the typical food of Bengkulu . The food is often hounded travelers as souvenirs to be brought to their home areas , especially in the Lebaran holiday season as the time ini.pendap made from spices diverse , such as garlic , kencur , and chili grind . Then , the ingredients are mixed evenly with grated young coconut .
6 . RIAU
Curried shrimp paste one of the typical dishes of Riau , goulash is made with belacan or shrimp paste sauce mixture . The material is usually put on shrimp or fish .
Brains is one of the specialties in the Riau Islands , both in Batam , Tanjung Pinang , on the island as well as Biting . Anyway, wherever we eat , this confectionary never miss . Here there are two kinds of brains are brains made of fish and squid from the more spicy . The brains wrapped in coconut leaves which are green all the lidinya , which is then burned with fire.
8 . SOUTH SUMATRA ( Palembang )
Pempek or Empek - Empek is typical Palembang food made of fish and sago . Actually it is difficult to say that the center is pempek Palembang because in almost all areas in South Sumatra produce .Presentation pempek sauce accompanied by brownish black called vinegar or cuko ( Palembang language ) . Cuko made from boiled water , then add brown sugar , shrimp, dried shrimp and crushed chili , garlic , and salt . For the indigenous people of Palembang , cuko of first made spicy to increase appetite . But with the entry of migrants from outside the island of Sumatra, the current is found cuko with sweetness those who do not like spicy . Cuko can protect teeth from caries ( damage to enamel and dentin ) . Because in one liter of solution pempek sauce usually contained 9-13 ppm fluoride . a complement to the typical eating tasteless foods are sliced fresh cucumber dice and yellow noodles .
Bangka noodles or noodles is one of the many unique features of the island farts , made of wet noodles ( yellow ) normal were doused with spicy sauce that usually terbuah of fish , shrimp , squid , or crab . and are often supplemented with sprouts or sprouts , cucumber or cucumber , and crackers , delicious when served while still hot , and add the spicy flavor of chili .
Harpoon is the typical food of the province of Lampung , Indonesia , the dishes are fried or baked fish sauce mixed with shrimp paste , Tempoyak ( processed durian ) or mango . Type of fish is the large river fish like belide , baung , layis etc. , plus fresh vegetables . While the drink is sherbet , made from mango fruit juice Kwini . In food shops and souvenirs , there are also special food that is sambel Lampung , Lempok ( lunkhead ) , banana chips , crackers kemplang , sweets etc. .
Sate banding is a typical food Banten . Unlike the usual milkfish , milkfish tender meat skewers and not reinforced . Because of uniqueness , satay banding became a souvenir from Banten .Banten is a province of the youngest on the island of Java . Previously , Banten was part of West Java province .
KERAK TELOR / Egg crust is native foods Jakarta ( Betawi ) , with the ingredients of white glutinous rice , chicken egg , ebi ( shrimp marinated dried ) dry roasted plus fried onion , mashed and flavored with a toasted coconut , red chili , kencur , ginger , pepper grains , salt and sugar .
Pancake sometimes called srabi or surabi is one snacks or snacks that originated from Indonesia . Similar to pancake pancakes ( pannekoek or Pannenkoek ) but made from rice flour ( no white flour ) and given a sweet liquid sauce ( usually from coconut sugar ) . The sauce varies according to regions in Indonesia. Area is famous for its cakes serabinya Jakarta , Bandung , Solo , Pekalongan and Purwokerto that each has its own uniqueness . There is also the famous Arab surabi because of its uniqueness contained in Bogor city .
14 . CENTRAL JAVA ( Semarang )
Lumpia Semarang is the kind of food rollade containing bamboo shoots , egg , and chicken or shrimp . Taste of lumpia semarang is a fusion between Chinese and Indonesian flavors because first made by a Chinese descent who is married to an Indonesian and settled in Semarang , Central Java . Food was started in Semarang sold and known as the Games GANEFO held during the reign of President Sukarno .
Warm ( gudheg Java language ) is a typical food of Yogyakarta and Central Java which is made from young jackfruit cooked with coconut milk . It took many hours to make this dish . Brown color is usually produced by teak leaves are cooked together . Gudeg eaten with rice and served with thick coconut milk ( areh ) , chicken , eggs , tofu and sambal goreng krecek .
Cingur salad is one of the traditional foods that are easily found in the area of East Java , especially Surabaya native region . In Javanese word " cingur " means " mouth " , this refers to the material or muzzle the mouth sliced beef boiled and mixed into the dish . Cingur salad usually consists of some kind of sliced fruits such as cucumbers , krai (a type of cucumber typical East Java ) , yam , young mango , pineapple , kedondong and added rice cake , tofu , tempeh , and cingur bendoyo and vegetables such as sprouts / sprouts , kale and beans . All the material was mixed with sauces or condiments made of processed shrimp paste , boiled water for a bit thin , sugar / brown sugar , chili , fried peanuts , fried onions , salt and thinly sliced bananas green beans are still young ( banana klutuk ) . All sauces / seasonings mixed with diuleg way , it is also often referred to cingur salad salad pestle .
17 . BALI
Betutu chicken is a side dish made from a whole chicken that contains spices , then roasted in the husk fire . Betutu has been known throughout the district in Bali . One manufacturer betutu is Melinggih village , Gianyar regency kecamatam Payangan . Betutu chicken is also a special food Gilimanuk . Betutu used as offerings in religious ceremonies and ceremonies as well as dishes and on sale . Bali is not only a consumer but also the foreign guests who come to Bali , especially in certain places such as hotel and restaurant / restaurant . Betutu not be stored long .
chicken is the typical food of Lombok , West Nusa Tenggara -based
chicken served with spices such as dried red chili , onion , garlic ,
red tomatoes , fried shrimp paste , kencur , Java sugar , and salt . Usually served with other traditional foods such as Lombok plecing kale .
Catemak corn is the typical food of East Nusa Tenggara . Catemak corn is a dessert that is made from corn , pumpkin candles , and green beans cooked with spices flavoring . Not such a sweet color as compote , salty catemak
Spicy eating porridge Sambas is typical of the region Sambas in West Kalimantan . Although the name of the typical food berbanderol the word " spicy " that will make food lovers who do not like spicy flavors shudder , as presented will surely ask for more again . Because , spicy porridge is porridge made from a mixture of vegetables and no processed when mixed with chili ingredients at all .
Soto Banjar is a typical tribal soto Banjar , South Kalimantan with the main ingredients of chicken and aromatic spices such as cinnamon , nutmeg , and cloves . Soup contains chicken meat that has been disuwir - shredded , with extra cakes or boiled potatoes , boiled eggs , and diamond .As well as chicken soup , condiments such as Soto Banjar red onion , garlic and pepper , but do not wear saffron . Seasoning sauteed first with a little cooking oil or cumin oil until fragrant before being put into stew chicken broth . The spices will be appointed in order not to go into the bowl when served .
Juhu singkah is the typical food Dayak , Central Kalimantan , which is very tasty . These foods can be found in Palangkaraya , Central Kalimantan . Umbut foods made from rattan is more delicious when combined with fish damselfish . Umbut rattan obtained by looking at the people around the forests where they live .
Cincane chicken is one of the culinary mainstay in the city of Samarinda . Typically
, this culinary serve the main course when people Samarinda conducting a
wedding or event to welcome the guest of honor . When being a culinary tour to the city of Samarinda , Cincane chicken menu can be found in a shop or restaurant . Chicken meat served with a reddish seasoning distinctive characteristics of chicken Cincane .
Konro soup is a dish typical of Indonesian beef rib soup from Bugis and Makassar tradition . This soup is usually made with beef ribs or beef . Dark brown soupy dish is usually eaten with a small diamond that is cut first. The dark color comes from the fruit of the beef stew with black indeed . Marinade relatively " strong " due to the use of coriander .
25 . SULAWESI ( Palu )
Heart Banana Fish soup is a typical food in Central Sulawesi , precisely in the city of Palu . Food with a spicy sour taste that is fresh , use snapper as the main ingredient .
Lapa - lapa is the typical food of Southeast Sulawesi , lapa - lapa has guri and good taste , especially kaholeonarore consumed by fish ( salted fish ) increased the selerah eat .This culinary if in Java may be more familiar with the lepet / lepat , tetapai how to cook different lapa - lapa lepet / lepat because if lapa - lapa rice cooked together coconut milk , until half cooked and then removed . Then cooled , and then wrapped in a bale ( leaf ) . After it boiled again until cooked . So that it feels more guri , lapa - lapanya steamed rather long .
Binte Biluhuta Gorontalo is a typical food . Food is usually called the milu flush , because it is made from milu ( local language means jajung ) .This food is made from shelled sweet corn we can get everywhere in Gorontalo . Based on typical food traditions is that the first Gorontalo Governor Fadel Muhammad develop the cultivation of maize in this area .This food is made from corn , shrimp , coconut half old , star fruit vegetables , chives , basil , red onion , lime juice .
Tinutuan or Manado porridge is a typical Indonesian food from Manado , North Sulawesi . Some say tinutuan is the typical food of Minahasa , North Sulawesi . Tinutuan is a mixture of various vegetables , do not contain meat , so that the food could be a food interaction between groups of people in Manado . Tinutuan usually served for breakfast along with a variety of complementary cuisine.
Asr fish is tuna or tuna baked with smoke . These snacks are usually sold at roadside markets or in the city of Ambon and many in the afternoon .
In Ambon city , not difficult to find these foods , you can simply walk to the area Galala and diesel market will find a lot of stalls lined with merchants displaying daganganya different types of smoked fish of various sizes and types with low prices , only the 25,000 we already can bring home fish asr delicious nan .
30 . NORTH MALUKU ( Ternate )
Gohu fish specialties are One Ternate . That it must be complete : gohu fish . You see , if you just called gohu , then the meaning is the papaya salad is also popular in North Sulawesi . Ternate gohu typical fish made of raw tuna . No wonder that many people refer to it as sashimi Ternate .
As the name implies , Grilled fish the typical food of Manokwari Manokwari , Papua . Unlike the usual grilled fish we find in most shop or restaurant , grilled fish has a distinctive flavor that can make extra sauce tongues wagging because the typical Papuan splashed on it . Fish commonly used as a cooking ingredient is tuna .
Papeda or sago porridge , is a staple food of Maluku and Papua . These foods are found in almost all areas in Maluku and Papua .Papeda made from corn starch . The creators of the population in the interior of Papua . Sago flour is made by tapping the stem of sago . Trees are good for making sago tree is between the ages of three to five years .At first cut staple sago . Cob then squeezed to extract the starch out . Obtained from the quintessence of pure corn starch ready to be processed . Corn starch is then stored in a tool called Tumang .Papeda usually eaten with yellow sauce , made from tuna or fish mubara and spiced turmeric and lime .
Sago or bagea cake is a cake that originated from Papua , the manufacture of this cake is corn starch . Sago cake is a bit loud when bitten , but when it is in the mouth or in the water will quickly dip into soft / mushy.
1 . ACEH
Mie Aceh is a spicy noodle dish typical of Aceh in Indonesia. Thick yellow noodles with slices of beef , mutton or seafood ( shrimp and squid ) are presented in a kind of soup is savory and spicy curry . Mie Aceh is available in two types , Aceh Mie Goreng ( fried and dried ) and Mie Aceh Kuah ( soup ) . Usually sprinkled with fried onions and served with chips , chunks of red onion , cucumber , and lime . I 've never eaten ya , it feels good , a lot of marinade .
Bika Ambon is a kind of confectionary from Indonesia . Made from ingredients such as eggs , sugar , and coconut milk , bika ambon generally sold with pandan flavor , although it is now also available other flavors such as durian , cheese , and chocolate .Bika Ambon origin is not clearly known . Although the name contains the word " Ambon " , bika ambon exactly known as a typical souvenirs of the city of Medan , North Sumatra . In Medan , Jalan Medan Petisah Mojopahit in the area are selling bika Ambon region 's most famous . There are at least 40 shops selling this cake . bika ambon in ga have to ask again, sweet and tasty
3 . WEST SUMATRA ( Padang )
Rendang ( Minang language : Randang ) is one of the traditional Minangkabau cuisine uses coconut meat and coconut milk as the main ingredient with the content of spices are rich . Dishes with a spicy flavor that is loved by the entire community , and can be found throughout the Rumah Makan Padang in Indonesia, Malaysia , or in other countries . The cuisine is sometimes better known as Rendang Padang , whereas a rendang Minang cuisine in general .In 2011 , rendang dish has been named as the first rank in the list of World 's 50 Most Delicious Foods ( World's 50 most delicious dishes ) held by CNN International .
Catfish curry is a dish that is popular in society Jambi.Gulai Tempoyak is cooked using meat that has been fermented durian fruit . But there are some people who choose to replace Tempoyak with coconut milk to avoid the smell and taste pretty Tempoyak sting . Besides Tempoyak other spices used in the manufacture of Catfish Stew This is a red chillies , galangal , lemongrass , turmeric , onion and garlic
The revenue is the typical food of Bengkulu . The food is often hounded travelers as souvenirs to be brought to their home areas , especially in the Lebaran holiday season as the time ini.pendap made from spices diverse , such as garlic , kencur , and chili grind . Then , the ingredients are mixed evenly with grated young coconut .
6 . RIAU
Curried shrimp paste one of the typical dishes of Riau , goulash is made with belacan or shrimp paste sauce mixture . The material is usually put on shrimp or fish .
Brains is one of the specialties in the Riau Islands , both in Batam , Tanjung Pinang , on the island as well as Biting . Anyway, wherever we eat , this confectionary never miss . Here there are two kinds of brains are brains made of fish and squid from the more spicy . The brains wrapped in coconut leaves which are green all the lidinya , which is then burned with fire.
8 . SOUTH SUMATRA ( Palembang )
Pempek or Empek - Empek is typical Palembang food made of fish and sago . Actually it is difficult to say that the center is pempek Palembang because in almost all areas in South Sumatra produce .Presentation pempek sauce accompanied by brownish black called vinegar or cuko ( Palembang language ) . Cuko made from boiled water , then add brown sugar , shrimp, dried shrimp and crushed chili , garlic , and salt . For the indigenous people of Palembang , cuko of first made spicy to increase appetite . But with the entry of migrants from outside the island of Sumatra, the current is found cuko with sweetness those who do not like spicy . Cuko can protect teeth from caries ( damage to enamel and dentin ) . Because in one liter of solution pempek sauce usually contained 9-13 ppm fluoride . a complement to the typical eating tasteless foods are sliced fresh cucumber dice and yellow noodles .
Bangka noodles or noodles is one of the many unique features of the island farts , made of wet noodles ( yellow ) normal were doused with spicy sauce that usually terbuah of fish , shrimp , squid , or crab . and are often supplemented with sprouts or sprouts , cucumber or cucumber , and crackers , delicious when served while still hot , and add the spicy flavor of chili .
Harpoon is the typical food of the province of Lampung , Indonesia , the dishes are fried or baked fish sauce mixed with shrimp paste , Tempoyak ( processed durian ) or mango . Type of fish is the large river fish like belide , baung , layis etc. , plus fresh vegetables . While the drink is sherbet , made from mango fruit juice Kwini . In food shops and souvenirs , there are also special food that is sambel Lampung , Lempok ( lunkhead ) , banana chips , crackers kemplang , sweets etc. .
Sate banding is a typical food Banten . Unlike the usual milkfish , milkfish tender meat skewers and not reinforced . Because of uniqueness , satay banding became a souvenir from Banten .Banten is a province of the youngest on the island of Java . Previously , Banten was part of West Java province .
KERAK TELOR / Egg crust is native foods Jakarta ( Betawi ) , with the ingredients of white glutinous rice , chicken egg , ebi ( shrimp marinated dried ) dry roasted plus fried onion , mashed and flavored with a toasted coconut , red chili , kencur , ginger , pepper grains , salt and sugar .
Pancake sometimes called srabi or surabi is one snacks or snacks that originated from Indonesia . Similar to pancake pancakes ( pannekoek or Pannenkoek ) but made from rice flour ( no white flour ) and given a sweet liquid sauce ( usually from coconut sugar ) . The sauce varies according to regions in Indonesia. Area is famous for its cakes serabinya Jakarta , Bandung , Solo , Pekalongan and Purwokerto that each has its own uniqueness . There is also the famous Arab surabi because of its uniqueness contained in Bogor city .
14 . CENTRAL JAVA ( Semarang )
Lumpia Semarang is the kind of food rollade containing bamboo shoots , egg , and chicken or shrimp . Taste of lumpia semarang is a fusion between Chinese and Indonesian flavors because first made by a Chinese descent who is married to an Indonesian and settled in Semarang , Central Java . Food was started in Semarang sold and known as the Games GANEFO held during the reign of President Sukarno .
Warm ( gudheg Java language ) is a typical food of Yogyakarta and Central Java which is made from young jackfruit cooked with coconut milk . It took many hours to make this dish . Brown color is usually produced by teak leaves are cooked together . Gudeg eaten with rice and served with thick coconut milk ( areh ) , chicken , eggs , tofu and sambal goreng krecek .
Cingur salad is one of the traditional foods that are easily found in the area of East Java , especially Surabaya native region . In Javanese word " cingur " means " mouth " , this refers to the material or muzzle the mouth sliced beef boiled and mixed into the dish . Cingur salad usually consists of some kind of sliced fruits such as cucumbers , krai (a type of cucumber typical East Java ) , yam , young mango , pineapple , kedondong and added rice cake , tofu , tempeh , and cingur bendoyo and vegetables such as sprouts / sprouts , kale and beans . All the material was mixed with sauces or condiments made of processed shrimp paste , boiled water for a bit thin , sugar / brown sugar , chili , fried peanuts , fried onions , salt and thinly sliced bananas green beans are still young ( banana klutuk ) . All sauces / seasonings mixed with diuleg way , it is also often referred to cingur salad salad pestle .
17 . BALI
Betutu chicken is a side dish made from a whole chicken that contains spices , then roasted in the husk fire . Betutu has been known throughout the district in Bali . One manufacturer betutu is Melinggih village , Gianyar regency kecamatam Payangan . Betutu chicken is also a special food Gilimanuk . Betutu used as offerings in religious ceremonies and ceremonies as well as dishes and on sale . Bali is not only a consumer but also the foreign guests who come to Bali , especially in certain places such as hotel and restaurant / restaurant . Betutu not be stored long .

Catemak corn is the typical food of East Nusa Tenggara . Catemak corn is a dessert that is made from corn , pumpkin candles , and green beans cooked with spices flavoring . Not such a sweet color as compote , salty catemak
Spicy eating porridge Sambas is typical of the region Sambas in West Kalimantan . Although the name of the typical food berbanderol the word " spicy " that will make food lovers who do not like spicy flavors shudder , as presented will surely ask for more again . Because , spicy porridge is porridge made from a mixture of vegetables and no processed when mixed with chili ingredients at all .
Soto Banjar is a typical tribal soto Banjar , South Kalimantan with the main ingredients of chicken and aromatic spices such as cinnamon , nutmeg , and cloves . Soup contains chicken meat that has been disuwir - shredded , with extra cakes or boiled potatoes , boiled eggs , and diamond .As well as chicken soup , condiments such as Soto Banjar red onion , garlic and pepper , but do not wear saffron . Seasoning sauteed first with a little cooking oil or cumin oil until fragrant before being put into stew chicken broth . The spices will be appointed in order not to go into the bowl when served .


Konro soup is a dish typical of Indonesian beef rib soup from Bugis and Makassar tradition . This soup is usually made with beef ribs or beef . Dark brown soupy dish is usually eaten with a small diamond that is cut first. The dark color comes from the fruit of the beef stew with black indeed . Marinade relatively " strong " due to the use of coriander .
25 . SULAWESI ( Palu )
Heart Banana Fish soup is a typical food in Central Sulawesi , precisely in the city of Palu . Food with a spicy sour taste that is fresh , use snapper as the main ingredient .
Lapa - lapa is the typical food of Southeast Sulawesi , lapa - lapa has guri and good taste , especially kaholeonarore consumed by fish ( salted fish ) increased the selerah eat .This culinary if in Java may be more familiar with the lepet / lepat , tetapai how to cook different lapa - lapa lepet / lepat because if lapa - lapa rice cooked together coconut milk , until half cooked and then removed . Then cooled , and then wrapped in a bale ( leaf ) . After it boiled again until cooked . So that it feels more guri , lapa - lapanya steamed rather long .
Binte Biluhuta Gorontalo is a typical food . Food is usually called the milu flush , because it is made from milu ( local language means jajung ) .This food is made from shelled sweet corn we can get everywhere in Gorontalo . Based on typical food traditions is that the first Gorontalo Governor Fadel Muhammad develop the cultivation of maize in this area .This food is made from corn , shrimp , coconut half old , star fruit vegetables , chives , basil , red onion , lime juice .
Tinutuan or Manado porridge is a typical Indonesian food from Manado , North Sulawesi . Some say tinutuan is the typical food of Minahasa , North Sulawesi . Tinutuan is a mixture of various vegetables , do not contain meat , so that the food could be a food interaction between groups of people in Manado . Tinutuan usually served for breakfast along with a variety of complementary cuisine.
Asr fish is tuna or tuna baked with smoke . These snacks are usually sold at roadside markets or in the city of Ambon and many in the afternoon .
In Ambon city , not difficult to find these foods , you can simply walk to the area Galala and diesel market will find a lot of stalls lined with merchants displaying daganganya different types of smoked fish of various sizes and types with low prices , only the 25,000 we already can bring home fish asr delicious nan .
30 . NORTH MALUKU ( Ternate )
Gohu fish specialties are One Ternate . That it must be complete : gohu fish . You see , if you just called gohu , then the meaning is the papaya salad is also popular in North Sulawesi . Ternate gohu typical fish made of raw tuna . No wonder that many people refer to it as sashimi Ternate .
As the name implies , Grilled fish the typical food of Manokwari Manokwari , Papua . Unlike the usual grilled fish we find in most shop or restaurant , grilled fish has a distinctive flavor that can make extra sauce tongues wagging because the typical Papuan splashed on it . Fish commonly used as a cooking ingredient is tuna .
Papeda or sago porridge , is a staple food of Maluku and Papua . These foods are found in almost all areas in Maluku and Papua .Papeda made from corn starch . The creators of the population in the interior of Papua . Sago flour is made by tapping the stem of sago . Trees are good for making sago tree is between the ages of three to five years .At first cut staple sago . Cob then squeezed to extract the starch out . Obtained from the quintessence of pure corn starch ready to be processed . Corn starch is then stored in a tool called Tumang .Papeda usually eaten with yellow sauce , made from tuna or fish mubara and spiced turmeric and lime .
Sago or bagea cake is a cake that originated from Papua , the manufacture of this cake is corn starch . Sago cake is a bit loud when bitten , but when it is in the mouth or in the water will quickly dip into soft / mushy.
Which do you Evocative tastes..?